1st cross: Hope is the deep desire to progress humanity by progressing oneself. Hope is seeing recognizing the actuation of God in another and having a sense of curiosity - Maybe, I have that in me as well.  Hope leads faith. I hope this works. It is willingness to take action but there is doubt present in hope.
2nd cross: Faith is the action of oneself to bring forth the new belief. Faith is always present. The question is “iin what do you have faith”.  The consciousness of one’s belief is sure to return to them. Conscious faith is to persist in the new belief until it is my 2nd nature. Beyond natural, Faith activates the land of understanding. I AM that I AM.
3rd cross: Love is the Christ Consciousness embodiment of oneself. Love is the presence of the frequency in oneself that dissipates all distortion/seperation and allows one to serve others and others to see themselves in your presence. It is the ONE reality. Charity is sharing fruits of your labor; but may have potential negative return if the giving does not progress the Human towards understanding who they are in unity with God. Charity ought to create a bridge to Know Thyself. We give charity to those under Satan’s thumb. 
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