The Fascinating Concept of Tunneling and Potential Energy
3 crosses of Christ Consciousness.
Heavenly Food
Unload and Roll
Know Thy Heart, Know Thyself
Karma lives in the Chakras
Harnessing Light, Power, and Health
We have the power to let go of ego identification by accepting the greater awareness of who we are and what we are doing here. As Light Beings, the process of our alignment with The Hierarchy of Light begins to present Spiritual Principles as a way of life. We come to the understanding there is a master program level ascension that we are within here and our alignment with the Light activates our evolution. The Light Codes are governing on the Earth plane and our wisdom of them greatly assist us in harnessing our full Human power. We awake and our understanding to the master program of life and the ascension levels within it.
It's our passion accompanying you in feeling both empowered by your inner guidance system and enriched with genuine wholeness. The Prosperity Healings, Meditation Guidance, Yoga Instruction and Life Activation protocol provides our clients with tailored one on one mastership here on the Earth-ship.
Sanctuary Meditation™ to meet Higher Self
House of Marcotte
Most of us, now understand, we are not alone. We have come to believe, indeed, we have a connection to an invisible means of support. Our increasing ability to work with the "forces of good" ignites our fullest potential. We heavenly rely on our bond with our Higher Self. In this guided meditation, we enter in our sacred sanctuary. Here, we open the door into our Higher Self.
Sanctuary Meditation™ is guided in its original handing down from mouth to ear, from Teacher to Student for over 8000 years. Do prepare yourself for a guided meditation into your highest expression of you!