Born in 1979 in Louisiana, USA, my journey began with a six-year commitment to the United States Army National Guard in May 1997. With a sense of duty, I served as a 71-D in the Military Law Department with the JAG Corps, 256th Infantry Brigade. Simultaneously, I pursued my undergraduate education at Louisiana State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies in 2003.

In 2005, I obtained my Private Pilot’s License in Van Nuys, CA. From 2005 to 2007, I served as Co-Crew on a HU-16 Albatross Aircraft. Participating in military airshows and Red Bull Air Races, I built valuable multi-engine flight time with Legends of Aviation. In 2008, I earned my MEI, CFI, and CFII licenses at Airline Transport Pilots (ALLATPS) in Long Beach, CA. There I gained flight instructor experience in the multi-engine Piper Seminole aircraft over the Queen Mary. My assignment was primarily with former military pilots working to remove their centerline thrust restrictions after their ended time of service. In 2009, I achieved my Airline Transport Pilot license.

Between 2008 and 2012, I earned type ratings as Pilot in Command for the Gulfstream Buisness Jet Aircraft: GIIB (with winglets), GIII, and GIV at Flight Safety International. Since 2014, I have served as an International Captain, flying extensively across Europe, Africa, India, South America. I have dozens of North Atlantic crossings and South Pacific too. 2017 opened new opportunities as I was asked to serve as Chief Pilot and Aviation Manager for private aircraft in Delaware and Southern California. 

December 2014, I experienced a profound Spiritual Awakening through a process of spiritual and emotional sobriety. Inspired by this, in 2017, I created Yogairforce, a dynamic vinyasa-yoga sequence designed to integrate spiritual principles into everyday life. In 2020, I trained at the esteemed aerobatic Tutima Academy in Monterey, CA. While training upset recovery in the Extra 300 aerobatics aircraft, I met my spouse, Michael Fredrick Marcotte. May 2020, we Co-Founded Livens Spatium, a consumer products technology platform focused on advancing digital sovereignty, as well as House of Marcotte, a healing arts center dedicated to longevity research and spiritual sobriety.

In 2021, I authored and self published Psychic Change: The Spiritual Shift from Victimhood to Responsibility. With momentum, in 2022, I accepted the role of Chief Innovation Officer at Jō Life Foods International, a grain-free, plant-based, keto foods brand. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Integrative Medicine at Quantum University, with a focus on microbiome regeneration.

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